Thursday, February 25, 2010

Miles Alexander, 8 months!!

Wow, eight months already! My high needs mama's boy is getting so big! In the world of Miles...mama is by far his favorite word, followed by high pitched screaming and squealing. Crawling is just around the corner, but Miles gets wherever he wants to go by doing a cute little butt scoot. He still has just 2 teeth, still not a good sleeper, but at least he's pretty happy! Miles adores his big brother now, especially since he figured out Eli often has food. He is an amazing eater, and I haven't found a food he hasn't liked. (And trust me, I make him EVERYTHING!) So now, some pictures of my handsome little guy!

Starting to get that toothy grin!
Are you serious mama?

He's like an animal in the wild...he spotted Eli's cracker, and he's ready to pounce!
Happy 8 months little man!! We love you!!

1 shout outs:

Kuparstwn said...

8 months? What? No.
