Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there!! Mother's Day was a little stressful this year, but still a blessed one none the less. We started our day going out to breakfast with Tata. Miles was fantastic, because he always is when food is involved, lol! Eli on the other hand had started running a fever. He just wanted to be held by me, so eating my breakfast wasn't going to happen. We had to leave sooner than expected due to his melt down. (Which is very out of character for Eli!) After sleeping for 4 HOURS, Eli woke up, screaming like crazy until he was in my arms. This is how I spent much of my day:

Grammy LOVED her pictures that we did! I was able to break away from Eli for a second to take a picture. I didn't even get to get a picture with Miles! :(

The next day, Eli seemed to be doing much better. Fever was gone, so off to Grammy's we went. I figured I'd try and at least get a picture of the boys together in their "Momma's boys" tees (even though we spell it "mama" around here, lol!) and it didn't turn out so well!

This picture cracks me up!
At least they hugged!
Miles escaped for a bit...
He was eyeing Eli's fruit snacks here...
and then in for the kill!
At least they are both sitting still! This was as good as it got!

0 shout outs: