Saturday, November 14, 2009

Paigerelli, Paigerelli....

Night and day it's Paigerelli!! For Eli that is! The Castora's made a quick trip from Mars. (PA that is, but it feels like it's a world away sometimes!) Kiki and I helped Aunt Kathy set up her Christmas tree, while Ghea occupied Miles, and my sweet cousin Paige was being adored by Eli. It all started with her iPod...where she happened to have the song "Battlefield" on it, which is one of Eli's favorites! Weird, I know, but the kid is obsessed with music! I just bought him the latest edition of one of those NOW cd' know, the ones with all the recent hits. I also got Eli (read, mommy) the Glee cd, and he's obsessed with that too! Okay, back on point. Eli now refers to "Battlefield," as "Paigey song"

Listening to "Paigey song"
Eli taking a break to give Chloe some kisses...

and loves for Maksim
Telling Chloe to back away from the cheese-its
(she had already eaten half of my sandwich, and Miles' binky)
Ghea and Miles
(She's the baby non sleeper ALWAYS sleeps for Ghea!)
Eli giving his Paigey some loves!

and some more loves...

And lastly, a few of both of the boys...
(notice how Miles usually looks scared in pictures with Eli?)
You can see why!
They still love each other to pieces though!!

0 shout outs: