Thursday, March 25, 2010

Miles Alexander, 9 months!!

My little man is 9 months old already!! We went to the doctor and the peanut is starting to grow finally. He weighed 18lbs 6oz, (25%) and was in the 75% for height. He is crawling EVERYWHERE now, as well as pulling up and walking around furniture. I'm sooo not ready for him to walk! He's a fantastic eater, and is completely on table foods. It's amazing watching how much food he can pack away, seeing how small he is. Now onto a few pictures of my every growing little man!

You can see his top teeth have popped through! Miles is a horrible teether! :(
A couple silly faces:

And we're done!!
Can't leave out big brother Eli...messy face and all!

0 shout outs: