Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!! Round 3

For the last leg of our Easter adventure, we went to Uncle Hani and Aunt Shirley's house. After only seconds in the door, Uncle Hani decided it would be a fantastic idea to give the boys a dozen colored eggs...

Uncle Hani then proceeded to show them how to smash them together...
notice cousin Sean in the background laughing, lol!
What can I say, like father, like son!
Miles was NOT happy when there weren't any eggs left to break
Don't worry...he eventually got over it!
Eli's next stop, Aunt Haifa's lap! He knew he could get some cake out of her...
he also knew he could get some coffee out of her! He's one smart cookie! ;)
Aunt Shirley and Eli
Uncle Hani and Avery
Miles and Hayden...they're clearly talking fashion here!
Uncle Hani and Eli
Miles and Mommy
and finally...Miles and Daddy, all tuckered out!
We had a wonderful Easter, and we're so happy we were able to share it with all of our family!

0 shout outs: