Friday, July 3, 2009

First Bath!

Miles had his first bath today, at 8 days old. Yay for no more sponge baths!! 8 days old is also when Eli had his first bath. Speaking of Eli, he was a great helper! He was the official "hair washer." He loves doing anything to help with Miles, even throwing away poopy diapers. ;) Miles wasn't too sure about the water at first, but within seconds he was loving it. I can't get over how much the boys look alike as infants. Sometimes it's as if I'm staring at Eli. The second picture is of Eli at the same age, same tub, etc. I'm very curious to see how Miles looks as he gets older. It will be interesting to see if he follows his big brother's footsteps!
Not too sure yet...
(Big brother Eli 11/2/07)
Miles, 7/3/09

1 shout outs:

The Puchmeyer Family said...

They do look alike...but I bet Miles will continue to morph into his own little person! :)