Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A week full of play dates!!

We had so much fun this past week, playing with all of our friends! We had our usual play date with Callista, Bella and Lucy, but also had some adventures with some neighbors, cousins, and our mom's group! Of course, I only captured two out of the five on film, lol. Baby brain has got me bad this time!

Eli and his favorite mommy friend playing with Play-Doh!
(Seriously...Eli is in LOVE with Callista!)
Bella, looking adorable as always. This is the face I
got when I told her to say, "cheese"
Lucy and Miles slept through it was Miles when we got home:
We also went to play with the boys' cousins Avery and Hayden. Diane and I thought we should try and get a picture of the four of them together...
Eli, (holding Miles,) Hayden and Avery:
Great smile from Eli and Avery, but Hayden had other plans!
Role reversal:
And this was about as good as it was going to get!
(at least they're all looking forward!)

Next time hopefully I'll remember to take the camera OUT of the diaper bag at our other play dates...keyword, "hopefully!"

0 shout outs: