Saturday, July 25, 2009

Miles Alexander, 1 month!

I can't believe my baby is already a month old! Time goes by even faster with the second little one! Miles is doing great. He is a champion nurser, and has been giving me 6-8 hour stretches at night, despite being colicky! (He did have a few rough days, which had me thinking I'd never sleep again!) We had his check-up and the little porker is already weighing in at 10lbs 4oz! Just last week he was only 9lbs, lol! Like I said, the boy LOVES to nurse! He's 23 1/2 inches long. My little baby is getting so big! Miles and Eli have identical growth charts so far! Both chunky and tall!

Miles is already starting to smile in response to his Mama! It just makes me melt! Here is the evolution of a 1 month old's smile!

I hear Mama...
She says some funny stuff!
Now she's really cracking me up!
That was a good one!
Thanks Mama, I needed a good laugh!

Another way Miles seems to be following in his brother's footsteps are by his other facial expressions. Eli is a boy of MANY are a couple from Miles:

Already showing some attitude!

Already trying to master the "pouty" lips, that Eli has perfected!

Just one more of my sweet Mr. Miles!
Godspeed little man, sweet dreams, little man!

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