Friday, July 10, 2009

It's a miracle...kind of!

Mr. Miles thinks that the only place he can sleep is on mommy...particularly while being attached, lol! Eli spoiled me, and really enjoyed the swing, while Miles on the other hand HATES it! He can be passed out cold, and the second I place him in there, his eyes pop right open. It makes for long days with a toddler following your every step and a newborn constantly attached. (The sling has been my friend!)

So yesterday we had a play date with our best buds, Callista, Bella and Lucy. For some reason, Miles slept in the swing at Callista's house. Now, normally you would think maybe he just likes that type of swing better, but that's not the case. We have the same EXACT swing!! Talk about frustrating.

Fast forward to today. It was a pretty busy day for Miles. We went to my Grandma's for a bit so she could see the boys. Miles and I left and Eli stayed with his Grammy and Ghea. We went to the nursing group to see how much the little heffer weighed, then to Toys R Us for some birthday shopping, Target, and then finally back home. I must have worn the poor kid out, because he stayed fast asleep while Grammy was messing with him:

My mom left, and Eli was napping still. I tried to put Miles in his swing so I could do some laundry and...

Granted he only stayed asleep for 15 minutes, but that's 15 minutes longer than yesterday! Baby steps right? If not, I should be pretty buff in the next couple of months from carrying the boy in a sling since he's gaining weight so fast! Sounds like a win, win situation to me, lol! (I'm trying to have the whole, "glass half full" attitude...can ya tell?)

4 shout outs:

The Fentons said...

What a sweatheart! Your boys are both so adorable! Good luck with the swing!

The Puchmeyer Family said...

awwwwww Amanda he is looking cuter and cuter every single day! can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!

Kerri said...

The boys are adorable! And this post sounds like my life when Kate was a newborn. I think I could beat Matt now in a weightlifting contest. :)

andrea said...

your boys are so cute! i totally understand the swing - G hates it. and, we never had much luck with the sling either...naps are rare here!wa