Eli and Miles had their checkups today! It was nice being able to get them both done at the same time, but two boys with shots at the same time wasn't so great! First up, Eli. At 2 years old, he weighs 34lbs (moooo) and 35 inches. He's at the top of the charts for both. He did not want the doctor to come near him though...as I think he is still traumatized by seeing that darn eye doctor. Either way, we got it done, and he's now happy and healthy. He cried just a second when he got his shot, but stopped as soon as he got a pretzel. Hmm...maybe that has something to do with those 34lbs, lol. Totally kidding, we don't over feed our kid. We give him coffee so he doesn't have an appetite instead ;)
Then it was Miles' turn. The boy who was at the top of the charts at his 2 month appointment has fallen down on the lower end. He's only 13lbs 10oz, which is only 7ozs more than he was 2 months ago. He lost a ton of weight over the past 6 weeks due to the vomiting the Pertussis causes from the darn coughing spells. The doctor told us this coughing could last for months...so just continue nursing on demand. He keeps growing in length though, so I just need to beef him back up! We discussed food, which I won't be starting any time soon. Miles isn't showing any interest yet, so we'll wait!
All in all, the boys are doing great. We're hoping that Miles and I both get rid of our darn coughs soon. And I would not wish this illness on anyone. I know how horrible it makes me feel, so it makes my heart ache for my baby!
Now onto my cuties in their skeleton pjs! Eli says he's scary in them, and then makes a funny noise and runs around, lol. Eli also wants to wear them every.single.night. because they glow in the dark! Ahh to be young again!
Choke hold!
Tickles for brother!
My little scary skeleton
My big scary skeleton