Sunday, October 18, 2009

Boo at the Zoo

Boo at the Zoo would be what I'd call a well planned disaster. We met up with our favorite family, The Puchmeyers, at McDonalds for a fast dinner first. The kids were having a great time running around in the play land...but we packed them up anyway and headed to the zoo! I am pretty sure it took us a good 20 minutes after parking before we even started walking towards the zoo, lol. By the time we got all the kids in costume, the strollers ready to go, and looked for Lucy's missing binky, it had been a bit. Of course, I had to get a shot of my little Tigger and Pooh before the fun began!

Miles, AKA Pooh Bear
Notice in all the chaos the stickers are still on the ears, lol
Mommy and Tigger...finally moving!!

And then we got into to zoo...getting ready to take pictures of the kids with some of the animals and characters...and my camera lens broke!! To top it off, Callista's camera was almost out of batteries! And pretty much the whole time, one of our four children was crying/unhappy. It's easy to laugh about it now, as we were all just one giant hot mess! Callista did get a picture of our little "Poohs" together, and Tigger and Minnie before her camera died. I stole these from her. (Thanks Callista, love ya!!) Oh, and Miles and Lucy having the same costume was a complete coincidence!

This was as good as it got with Bella and Eli, lol!

0 shout outs: