Last week Callista and I decided to take the kids to Crocker Park for our weekly play date. We need to enjoy these summer days while they last...and before Callista has to go back to work. (I'm crying inside about this, lol!) While waiting for our best buds, Eli wanted to take me on in a game of chess!
Thinking of his first move...
We then headed over to the splash pad. I was a little leery about taking Eli here since it's out in the open, and I prefer to keep him contained when I'm by myself, lol. He and Bella did exceptionally well though! Lucy calmly sat with Callista the whole time, being a good girl like always, and Miles slept right though it...once he was in my arms!
Waiting for the water...
1 shout outs:
that looks like it was so fun! i will have to figure out where all of these places are for next summer when miss G is big enough to go!!
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