Sunday, August 23, 2009

Miles' Baptism Day!!

Today we baptised Miles Alexander! He did so great, and actually slept through most of it! He had me a little worried when he screamed his head off the whole time I gave him his bath this morning!

Proud Mommy and Daddy

Miles' Godparents, Callista and Steve!
We're so blessed they are a part of our children's' lives!

Our Family!
Miles and Tata
Here's the man of the hour himself!
Back into comfy clothes, and fast asleep with Kiki
Meanwhile, Eli is getting dirty outside with Avery...
as you can see, she's hiding from the paparazzi!
HUGS....kind of, lol!
Miles and Aunt Shirley
And one exhausted little man after his big day!

We're so thankful that we had so many family and friends surrounding us on this special day! Tata, Grammy and all the aunts did so much cooking, and everything was delicious! A special thanks to Callista and Steve, who will always be a big part of all of our lives, especially for Mr. Miles! We love you all!

2 shout outs:

andrea said...

looks like you guys had a great day :)

The Puchmeyer Family said...

It was a great day and a wonderful party! I was so honored to be Miles' godmother. I love that sweet little boy. xoxo