Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Tata! (Round 2)

We went to Cheesecake Factory tonight with Diane, Joe, Avery, Hayden, and of course the birthday girl Hiyam! We had a great dinner, and the kids did very well, especially considering we took our sweet time!

Eli chillin' in the car on the way there!

Eli and Avery...Eli was too distracted by food to look at the camera!

Nothing like a bowl of ranch dressing!
The Kahl's!
Our happy family!
And of course, Happy Birthday Tata! We all love you and appreciate all you do for us!

Oh...and that photo shoot that was so crazy, was well worth it! Hiyam loved it, along with the framed poem and each of the kids hand/footprints. We'd do it again in a heartbeat...we'd just have to find a different studio to do it in! ;)

0 shout outs: