Tata's birthday was nearing, so Diane and I decided it would be a great time to get all the kids together for a picture. We knew this would be one present she couldn't yell at us for getting! Just to give you an idea of what we were working with, here are the ages of the participants: Avery, 2.5; Eli, 22 months; Hayden 9.5 months; Miles 2 months. I think we officially made two girls at Portrait Innovations quit after our session! While yelling the ABC's, chasing at least one child at all times, trying to capture some smiles, and to keep Avery's pink crocs off...this is what we came up with:
Now this isn't what Tata got framed, but it was one of the many funny candid shots we did get. Diane and I were in hysterics going through these photos. As you can see, Eli can't take it anymore, Avery is giving the evil eye, Hayden is clearly confused, and Miles is ignoring us all because he thinks we're nuts!

Here is what we did get framed: They are all looking in different directions, but at least they all have a smile on their face...except Miles, as he was done with this photo shoot before it even began! Oh, and the pink crocs and pearls were not being taken away from Avery! She decided if she had to be the only girl in the photo, she was gonna live it up!

On a side note, I think we are banned from that studio, lol! While we were picking out our pictures, as I mentioned, Diane and I were in tears we were laughing so hard, Nader had to leave with Eli who was throwing a major tantrum, and Avery decided that she wanted her picture taken in all the other setups. (This being after she hid from the camera most of our shoot) I'm sure we were entertainment for many that day! Even through the craziness, we still had fun, and we'll look back at this time and laugh for many, MANY years to come!
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