We're getting closer!! Today I had my appt. with the perinatologist for a level 2 ultra-sound (more in depth) and a fetal echo-cardiogram. I got to see my little man moving around on screen for just over an hour. Of course he wouldn't stop moving, so that's why it took so long, lol.
Good news: He's measuring right on track. He looks like he's going to be tall like his brother, as his femur is measuring much longer than the rest of him. His measurements are almost identical to Eli's, as is the way he looks. The resemblance in just amazing! He's already up to 5lbs 4oz, he's practicing his breathing, and he even got the hiccups while they were scanning me. It was so cute!! He got rather grumpy though, as you'll see in the photo, and he kept sticking his tongue out at us!
Bad news: arrhythmia is still there, so I now have to go see a pediatric cardiologist. He will do an echo-cardiogram, and discuss a plan of action. The perinatologist believes he'll just want us to continue to monitor it, but we shall see. This little man is making his mommy worry like crazy!! I see the pediatric cardiologist next Monday, the 18th, so hopefully we'll have some more answers. Until then, I still have my weekly appts and non-stress tests. And here is a pic of the little trouble maker himself, (who still doesn't have a name!) The second picture was an u/s of Eli around the same gestational age. I can't get over how similar they look! Same wide nose and big ole' lips, lol!!
Baby "no name" (33wks 4 days)
Eli (34wks)

And last but not least, here is my ever growing belly at 33wks, 4days.