Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm a slacker...

They'll be a lot info this round, since I've been meaning to update for a few days now, lol. I'll blame it on pregnancy brain since I only have 4 weeks left of that excuse!

We had a great Memorial Day weekend. On Saturday Nader did so much work on the yard. As Eli and I played with his water table, Nader pulled all the weeds out of the landscaping, trimmed all the bushes, (there are quite a few) put in new mulch everywhere, and raked/dug out/patched some of the many sections in our front lawn that need work. Our landscaping looks wonderful now! I was a great cheerleader during it all, lol!!

Sunday we decided to have our Memorial Day cookout, since it worked best with all of our schedules. We went to Matt's house, and Eli had a great time playing with the dogs, dirt, water, and Uncle Matt! Here is a peek at some of the events that evening...

Everything was fine until Eli got a big ole' patch of dog slobber on his head!

So he tried to mind his own business and play on his own. Notice the dog and the hose in the background. (Uncle Matt is holding the hose)

Uncle Matt squirts him to get Eli to leave the grill alone. He's running for cover!
He's now all wet, but actually enjoying himself!
And Uncle Matt created a monster...

And just as quickly, Eli is over it. That's him telling his uncle to stop!

Monday we had an interesting day. We decided to finally tackle the nursery. (I told you we're slackers!) The crib will be here within the next couple of days, so we needed to have the room cleared out. Boy was that an adventure. Nader decided it would be a great idea to move everything himself. He ignored all the intelligent advice from his wonderful wife, but that's another story, lol. Long story short...the tv dropped, and everything didn't get moved! The box spring wouldn't fit up or down the stairs. Yesterday he did listen to me and called Steve over to help. It was nice because my mom and I got to cook dinner while the boys worked, and Eli got to play outside and with his two favorite dogs! Eli also got another haircut. As you can see...each time he gets a haircut, he looks so much more grown up!!

Here he is being silly!

Not quite sure what he was doing here...but he looks like such a little man!! I can't believe in less than a month he's going to be a big brother!!

And of course a serious shot!

And finally, tonight giving Elmo hugs and kisses before bed!
I'll be updating about the baby next week, after we see the cardiologist again. Say a prayer that the sac of fluid has gone away...and hopefully this darn arrhythmia will go away too!!

2 shout outs:

The Puchmeyer Family said...

Awww there is my little guy! Great update and of course as always...great pics of the adorable little man!

The Harris Family said...

What a cutie you have!! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.