Monday, May 4, 2009

And, we're blogging!

We are officially blogging! It's so hard to keep track of who I send what pictures, and to keep everyone updated on all the Salem family happenings, so hopefully this will make it easier on all of us!

Things have been crazy lately! I have been on moderate bed rest since I was 30 weeks due to pelvic separation. Eli is not a fan of this since it means mommy cannot pick him up! I have had weekly doctor appointments and non-stress tests to monitor the baby's heart also since 30 weeks. For those who don't know, the baby had a spot on his heart in an earlier ultra sound. At a follow-up scan, it had disappeared, so it was most likely a calcium deposit, so that was great news. At this same appt. he was having an irregular heartbeat, which he didn't have the previous month. So the weekly non-stress tests are to monitor his heart arrhythmia. I'll be seeing a specialist on Monday, May 11th, and will have a fetal echo-cardiogram and level 2 ultra sound done. We're hoping it goes away by delivery, but if not, we'll deal with it then!

He's a crazy little man who moves non stop all day and night long. Nader and I are convinced he does this since we haven't chosen a name for him yet! And no, we don't have any idea what we'll name him, lol! We only have 7 weeks until we get to meet baby no name!!

Eli is such a little man now, doing new things and coming up with new words every day!! Here are some recent pictures of the ham himself:

Easter morning after church the park with my friends!

Pump It Up:

I loved the slide!

At Grammy's pond

Digging for treasures!
The many faces of Eli:

That's all for now! Stay tuned for and I will do my best to keep everyone posted. Nader hates the computer, so don't be counting on him to update when I have the baby, haha!

1 shout outs:

The Puchmeyer Family said...

Yay!!! There is Bella's handsome boyfriend. Can't wait to be able to see you more and read about your family! We love you guys! xoxo