Thursday, June 18, 2009

39 Weeks and counting!

I am still in shock that I'm already 39 weeks. It seems like just yesterday we found out we were pregnant again! Everything is ready for baby no name...(except a name!) all of his clothes, bedding, hospital bags are packed, swings/bouncers are set up, and Eli is about as ready as he can be! This little man has been giving me false labor for the past couple of nights. About an hour of two of pretty strong contractions, but they just aren't close enough...and when they are close, they aren't strong enough, ugh! I have to barter at each of my appts for my doctor not to induce. She really wants to since I haven't passed the kidney stones yet. Last week I was 3cm dilated, this week I was between 3 1/2 and that's some progress! If I don't have him by Sunday, we're going to the zoo for Father's Day and I'm going to try and sweat/walk him out! Hopefully it will work! Finally, here is belly pic at 39 weeks! He's dropped a he just needs to move down a bit more!

39 Weeks

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