At exactly 40 weeks pregnant, it was time for baby no name to be born. I was 4 1/2 cm, having contractions and the start of back labor. My doctor decided we should break my water and that should do the trick. I was very adamant about wanting to avoid pitocin at all costs, so this seemed like a doable solution.
Arriving at the hospital, 6/25 7am. Last belly shot, exactly 40wks
My water was broken at 8am. I was contracting about every 5 mins before my water was broken, but the contractions were pretty weak. Nader and I walked the halls for some time, trying to get things moving. It worked, and by noon, I was feeling them a lot more and back labor was really kicking in. I got checked and I was 6 or 7cm, (I can't recall exactly) and I was ready for the epidural. Was feeling much better after that, (except for the brief moment my blood pressure dropped to 60/ was a crazy feeling!) By 2:30pm I was feeling pressure. I was fully dilated, and we were just waiting for the doctor to arrive. Can you believe they made me wait to push? Talk about torture! At exactly 3pm, she arrived and I began to push. (At this same time, my epidural wore off!) I think the lack of the epi motivated me more to get him out, because at 3:08 pm, on June 25, 2009, our little angel was born! He weighed 7lbs 11oz and was 19 3/4inches. It took us quite some time to decide on his name...well, for me to decide on it as Nader actually left it all up to me! Luckily what I picked, Nader liked too!! Here is our perfect little man, Miles Alexander Salem! (On a side note, it's a good thing I did pick this name! The day Miles was born, Farrah Faucet AND Michael Jackson died. Quite a day in history. Anyway, a couple other names that were in consideration for me were Jackson, and Charlie! How ironic! The last thing I'd need is people thinking I named my kid because of Charlie's Angels or after the King of Pop, lol!
After the months of stress and worry, it looks like Miles is perfectly healthy. His heart sounded great, and everything seemed to check out just fine! We have to go get his bilirubin levels checked again on Monday, but with the way this child has been nursing and pooping, I think we'll be just fine, lol!
1 shout outs:
Congratulations!! I can't believe you have two kids already! Both are so precious. 8 minutes of pushing!?!?! Wow...I thought Casey was quick! Our little guys definitely have to be buds one day. Hope everything is going well and you're able to sneak sleep in somewhere!
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