Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our last night as a family of 3!

By tomorrow evening, baby no name should be here! The doctor will be breaking my water in the morning. I'm 4 1/2 cm, so hopefully things will move fast. I can't believe my little man will be here! I just can't wait to see him and make sure he's healthy. We have spent so much time stressing and worrying this pregnancy, and hopefully it was all for nothing!

I'm so excited to see how Eli reacts to his new baby brother, see Nader look at him for the first time, and have our little family all together!

Here's hoping for a smooth and quick delivery! If the contractions I am having keep up, we won't even make it until the morning!

3 shout outs:

Casey said...

awww good luck!!! I wish you guys the best tonight or tomorrow! Hope all goes well! We will be thinking about you!

The Harris Family said...

Good luck!! I will be thinking about you come these next few hours!! The wait is almost over....

Kerri said...

Good luck Amanda! Hope all goes quickly and well. We can't wait to hear the good news. :)