Sunday, June 14, 2009

Salem Family Reunion

We went to our family reunion (Nader's side) on Saturday. We had a great time, and got to meet many people, and got some great food! Eli had a BLAST! He wore himself out for sure!

Swinging with daddy
There was a hill, and Eli was obsessed with going up and down it!

Family shot on Eli's other obsession...the patio swing

Haning with his buddy Uncle Joe, and cousins Hannah and Bella

Future's so bright...

With Mera, Uncle Joe, cousin Hayden, and great Aunt Norma

Trying to give kisses

I figured I'd toss these in here too. Today we went out with Ghea (Eli's great grandma) and Grammy. We went to lunch and did some last minute baby shopping. We had a great time!
First, Eli had to share some goldfish!
and then some kisses! After that, we were off!

0 shout outs: